Sandra Manther: Trust Walk

While in the German edition The second volume of the Gamma-Xi-Delta series was called “Blind Walk“, I have chosen the somewhat more precise term “Trust Walk” for the English version. Because I found out that for this kind of group dynamic exercise in America the term “Trust Walk” is more common. Since I use the … Continue reading Sandra Manther: Trust Walk

Barefoot through Hamburg-Harvestehude

Imagine taking a walk through Harvestehude. Your eyes are blindfolded. One of your sisters is guiding you. Under your bare feet you feel the cobblestones of the street and the grass of the parks, the sandy paths and the fallen leaves of the trees. Occasionally you will come across a puddle that bears witness to … Continue reading Barefoot through Hamburg-Harvestehude

Virgin valley – The Gamma Xi Delta Hamburg-Chapter

In Hamburg-Harvestehude a sorority, a so-called Greek letter society of young female students, founded their first chapter in Germany. The students do not only stand out on campus because of their unusual dress code. They are based in Jungfrauenthal. In valle virginum – “Jungfrauenthal” is what the Cistercian nuns called their monastery in Harvestehude. Even … Continue reading Virgin valley – The Gamma Xi Delta Hamburg-Chapter

Marc Manther: Isabell’s Casting

This time it took a little longer until a new story of mine appeared. The reason: I was working on the conception of my first book series. Therefore I intensively dealt with the genre ENF (Embarrassed nude female). If you read this blog regularly, you know the first results of my reflections on the genre. … Continue reading Marc Manther: Isabell’s Casting

EATS – Erotic Actress Talent Search

Wanted: Young women between 18 and 25 years who want to develop into erotic actresses through a coaching program accompanied by television. Besides a four-person jury, the spectators also have the opportunity to decisively influence the decision-making process through their voting. In addition to the leading role in the new film by director-shooting star Damian … Continue reading EATS – Erotic Actress Talent Search

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