Our Books

Sandra Manther: The Gamma Xi Delta series

The Hot Seat
Trust Walk

Sandra Manther: The Marion F. series (The Erotic Diary of Marion F.)

The Rookie
Monica’s Basement
Party Leftovers
The Jujutsu Photo Shoot

Marc Manther: The EATS series (Erotic Actress Talent Search)

Isabell’s Casting

Other books by Sandra Manther

Stage fright

Other books by Marc Manther

The Hunting Lodge
The Confirmand
The Ferris Wheel

The Gamma Xi Delta series

The Gamma Xi Delta Sorority has founded its first chapter in Germany. While sorority life in America is becoming increasingly regimented, the sisters in Hamburg can practice their traditions almost undisturbed.
The book series follows the young sorority girls through their time in the sorority. They have to deal with changing their petty bourgeois morality and deal with their own shamefulness. They are constantly challenged by their older sorority sisters to do so.

Selfies: An ENF Novella

Selma is new to the Hamburg sorority Gamma Xi Delta and hopes to finally make friends and overcome her shyness. But her sisters have a special challenge for her: to overcome her fear of strangers, she has to walk barefoot and scantily clad around the Outer Alster Lake and ask three young men to take a selfie with her. She has to ask the men to hug her and stroke her chest while they take the picture. Selma is terrified and unsure whether she dares to accept the task. But if she refuses, she will lose her place in the sorority and have to give up all her hopes. Will Selma find the courage to face her fear and push her boundaries?

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Adrenalized: An ENF Novella

Louisa is one of the Pledges (or PNM) of Gamma Xi Delta. And like every candidate for one of the places in the Harvestehuder Villa, she is put through her paces by the executive board. She has to endure a hot test phase in which the sisters try to draw her out by means of a fitness tracker. Did you know that you can even record orgasms with such a device? Once again, the story is about “hazing,” for which sororities have become quite discredited in America. Where does hazing actually begin? And how do the individuals involved perceive it? Louisa, for one, isn’t about to let it get her down.

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Trust Walk: An ENF Story

It’s group night again at Gamma Xi Delta, the sorority from Hamburg-Harvestehude. Danielle, the president of the sorority, plans a special challenge for Nathalie: a blind walk along the Alster, dressed only in a mask and a cape, led by two of the older sisters of the villa. At first, she is at least allowed to keep her jeans on. But after she breaks the rules several times, her hands are tied behind her back and her pants are removed.

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The Hot Seat: An ENF novella

Cover: The Hot Seat

Wednesdays are group evenings. Each time the focus is on a different potential new member of Gamma Xi Delta. Today it hit me. They put me naked in the “hot seat.” Each participant gets a piece of paper on which they should write how they feel about me. And what they would like to do with me if they could let their imagination run wild? But what none of us realize is that some of those fantasies will come true tonight.

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Isabelle’s casting: An ENF story

Cover: Isabelle's casting of Marc Manther

Isabelle’s dream is to become an actress. She knows that it is easier for her if she has no scruples about nude scenes. That’s why she sees her chance in the ad for the new TV show Erotic Actress Talent Search. She applies for the casting and is invited to audition. She quickly understands the mechanisms of the show. Television producers want to elicit emotions. They use every means to do so.

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Stage Fright: An ENF story

Cover: Stage fright of Sandra Manther

The stage director Ralf Kürtner rehearses the play “Angst” by the Albanian Aleksandër Caliqi. And decides to underline a long, monologue soul striptease of his protagonist with a symbolic dynamic. For Anna, who in any case constantly feels valued by the glances of men, this is a walk through hell. But she experiences something that is an existential experience for every actor: the more she gives up herself, the more she grows into her role.

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The confirmand

Book Cover: Marc Manther - The confirmand

She is 15, and well aware of her effect on the opposite sex. Like all teenagers, she tries out her limits. She takes the covetous glances of others at her young body as confirmation. With just a few words, she plants images in her pastor’s head. She plays with him and shakes up his small, circumscribed life.

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The Hunting Lodge

On the way back from the restaurant, Nina’s car starts to sputter and dies in the middle of the forest, far from civilization. The only inhabited building nearby is an old hunting lodge.
Ben and Nina end up in a kind of private club. The rooms are furnished with Venetian mirrors that can be seen from the corridors. They are allowed to stay overnight. But of course, there are mirrors on all the walls in their room, too.

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The Erotic Diary of Marion F.

Volume 1: The Rookie

Marion is having a bad day. When a young punk smiles at her on the street, she reacts appropriately gruffly. It quickly turns out he wants to get into the callboy business, but has no idea how it works.
Marion is the right address for him. She takes him to her loft and shows him a few tricks he can use later. In the process, he proves to be a teachable student.

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Volume 2: Secrets

At an art opening, Marion meets Michael, a journalist. They spend the evening together and eventually end up in Michael’s garret. Annoyingly, Jülich, a colleague of Michael’s, disturbs the tête-à-tête.
Even more annoying is that Michael later wants to know what Marion is thinking about during sex. Because some erotic fantasies are better left secrets.

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Volume 3: Monika’s basement

Monika sets up a hobby cellar in the basement of her house after her husband left her for a philosophy student. In the basement she collects toys of all kinds and devotes herself to her erotic fantasies.
One evening, as she sits with her friends Sarah and Marion over a cocktail, the three decide to finally go in search of a man with whom Monika can try out her various toys.

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Volume 4: Party Leftovers

The morning after Marion’s thirty-sixth birthday. The floor of her loft is littered with chip bags, empty beer bottles, and full ashtrays. And next to her in bed is a young man she certainly didn’t know the day before. Only slowly does she piece together the previous evening.
She would like to respond to his caresses. But she knows that she would then have to take care of her apartment alone later. Inspired by a gift from her friend Monikas, she begins to bring out her dominant side. And the stranger gets involved in the game.

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Volume 5: The Jiu-Jitsu Photo Shoot

Marion wants to make her blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu, but becomes unsure during the last training before the exam. She would like to practice a little more with her trainer. But he has scheduled a photo shoot for the evening, for which he has specially booked a model.
He offers Marion a deal: If she wants, she can take part in the shoot. In return, he will take her for an extra practice session. Her joy subsides when she learns it involves nudes.

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Volume 6: Video Monitored

Sarah wants to know: How does it feel to lie on a vacuum mattress? She goes on a date with Oliver. Oliver has been telling her for a long time that he wants more from her. Together they visit Monika’s basement, where there is just such a mattress on a king-size bed.
What Oliver doesn’t know is that Sarah has asked Monika to keep an eye on it because she doesn’t trust Oliver.

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Svetlana tells the story of an obsession. She is still a schoolgirl when she falls in love with Ivor, a dancer a few years older than her. He introduces her to the world of musicals. And deflowered. He dies in a car accident.
She also has little luck with the guitar maker Janis. Disappointed by life, she withdraws further and further into herself and finally, in order to feel anything at all, begins to scratch.
Only Sven succeeds in bringing her out of her shell. As soon as she has her high school diploma in her pocket, she moves in with him. He introduces her to the world of BDSM.

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The Ferris Wheel

Every wife’s dream: she wants to see if her husband would engage in a fling. Does he still love her, or would he be willing to sleep with a perfect stranger, a beautiful woman? She dares the experiment.
He strolls aimlessly across the Hamburg Cathedral. In front of him a brunette who captivates him from the first moment. He follows her into the gondola that lifts them both high above the rooftops of the city. Where no one can see what is happening inside them. Or so he hopes.

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