All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

From self-doubt to self-love: body acceptance in new adult literature

New adult novels focus on the phase of life when young adults are learning who they are, what they want, and how to navigate the world. A central part of this journey is understanding and accepting one’s body. Many of us have experienced this struggle: feeling insecure about our own reflection in the mirror, striving … Continue reading From self-doubt to self-love: body acceptance in new adult literature

“Spring COB” in the life of a fraternity

Continuous Open Bidding (COB) is an informal recruitment process used by student fraternities to accept new members outside of the formal main recruitment period, which usually takes place in the fall. Purpose: COB is designed to give fraternities that have not met their quota or their chapter’s total membership after formal recruitment the opportunity to … Continue reading “Spring COB” in the life of a fraternity

The difference between crush parties and mixers

Although both events involve social interactions between members of different fraternities and sororities, a mixer is not the same as a crush party. While mixers are more about meeting new people and making friends, crush parties are designed to promote romantic or platonic relationships between members of different organizations. A crush party in the context … Continue reading The difference between crush parties and mixers

Development of an ENF Christmas story: The Perfect Moment

1. The Basic Idea A young woman is planning a private fashion show as a special gift for her partner. She wants to present various outfits, from elegant to seductive. Due to a series of unforeseen events, the evening turns out differently than planned – what at first seems embarrassing ultimately leads to a deeper … Continue reading Development of an ENF Christmas story: The Perfect Moment

5 wintry settings for erotic Christmas stories

The Christmas season offers a special atmosphere for erotic literature. The early darkness, flickering candles and the contrast between icy cold and cozy-warm intimacy create the perfect setting for sensual encounters. Here are five settings that are particularly suitable for winter erotica. 1. Heat and cold: the perfect contrast When the snow is falling outside … Continue reading 5 wintry settings for erotic Christmas stories

Nipple Exposure in Public: A Changing Cultural Taboo?

The discussion about nipple exposure in public has become more heated and significant in recent years. What used to be scandalous and taboo seems to be changing slowly but surely today. Women, especially prominent ones, are standing up against rigid social norms that often oversexualize and simultaneously shame the female body. What was “Nipplegate”? The … Continue reading Nipple Exposure in Public: A Changing Cultural Taboo?

All about Nipples: a Guide to Shapes, Sizes and Special Features

In erotic literature, the female body often plays a central role, but descriptions of breasts in particular quickly fall into the trap of clichés and well-known phrases. Nipples are not only functional, but also a fascinating topic that should be celebrated in all its forms and variations. Here is an overview of the variety and … Continue reading All about Nipples: a Guide to Shapes, Sizes and Special Features

Brat Chic: How sexy is the new summer trend?

The Brat Chic trend of summer 2024 is not only a play on youthful cheekiness and elegant sophistication, but also a bold statement of body awareness and sensuality. With transparent tops and the widespread abandonment of bras, Brat Chic turns traditional ideas of sexiness on their head and offers a new perspective on female self-determination … Continue reading Brat Chic: How sexy is the new summer trend?