Category Archives: Taste

What do we taste for in sex? Reflections on the topic “taste” in erotic literature

The Aphrodisiac Effect: Exploring Erotic Foods and Their Sensual Allure

For centuries, the notion of aphrodisiacs has fascinated humanity. Something is alluring and mysterious about ingredients that hold the power of passion and arousal. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day cultures, many foods have acquired sensual associations. But is there any scientific basis to the idea of aphrodisiacs? This blog post explores the allure of … Continue reading The Aphrodisiac Effect: Exploring Erotic Foods and Their Sensual Allure

Food and Foreplay: Incorporating Culinary Delights in Erotic Writing

Have you ever paused to consider the rampant appearance of food in erotic literature? The tantalizing smells, textures, and flavors of food can enhance the erotic mood, immersing you in a sensory experience like no other. Incorporating culinary delights in erotic writing can deepen your readers’ connection with the characters and create an erotic atmosphere … Continue reading Food and Foreplay: Incorporating Culinary Delights in Erotic Writing

A Feast for the Senses: The Intertwining of Taste and Eroticism

Have you ever experienced a tingling sensation in your mouth as you savor different flavors? It’s not just your taste buds that respond, but your senses of smell, touch and even sight. Sensuality is a complex experience that can be heightened by the combination of tastes and eroticism. The power of food to evoke memories, … Continue reading A Feast for the Senses: The Intertwining of Taste and Eroticism

The Art of Seduction: Writing Delicious Descriptions in Erotic Literature

Erotic literature is all about evoking sensual pleasure and engaging the reader’s imagination. One essential aspect of erotic storytelling is crafting tantalizing descriptions that bring the reader into the experience. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the art of writing delicious descriptions in erotic literature, specifically descriptions of taste. We’ll provide tips and techniques to … Continue reading The Art of Seduction: Writing Delicious Descriptions in Erotic Literature

Savoring Sensuality: The Role of Taste in Erotic Literature

In the world of erotic literature, authors strive to create immersive and stimulating experiences for their readers. While visuals and descriptive language are often employed to create vivid images, taste can also play a major role in heightening arousal, evoking emotion, and deepening the reader’s connection to the characters involved. In this blog post, we … Continue reading Savoring Sensuality: The Role of Taste in Erotic Literature

Der Geschmack nach Seife

Unsere Zunge kann wenig mehr identifizieren als süß, sauer, salzig und bitter. Andererseits gibt es Weinconnaisseure, die über Geruch und Geschmack die Lage jedes guten Weins erkennen können. Geschmack hat als auch mit  Erfahrung und Vergleich zu tun. So erzählte mir Peter einmal, es sei völliger Unsinn, sich als Anfänger einen Wein für über hundert … Continue reading Der Geschmack nach Seife