Category Archives: Smell

In erotic literature the sense of smell is often treated in a somewhat inferior way. Here are a few thoughts, paired with successful examples.

The Game of Scents: The Sensual and Erotic Pleasures of Playing with Fragrances

Have you ever imagined a game of fragrances where characters playfully delight each other’s senses with scents? If you’re a writer of erotic novels, this idea can be the perfect addition to spice up your scenes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the sensual and erotic pleasures of playing with fragrances. Our sense of smell … Continue reading The Game of Scents: The Sensual and Erotic Pleasures of Playing with Fragrances

Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

Hast du schon einmal einen bestimmten Duft gerochen und dich plötzlich in eine längst vergessene Erinnerung zurückversetzt gefühlt? Unser Geruchssinn ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, das starke Emotionen und lebhafte Erinnerungen hervorrufen kann. Wenn du als Autorin oder Autor die Macht der Düfte nutzt, kann das deiner Erzählung eine zusätzliche Dimension verleihen, vor allem wenn es … Continue reading Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

The Alluring Body Scents: Exploring the unique and magnetic odors emitted from characters’ bodies

Have you ever been in the presence of someone whose body odor immediately captivated you? It’s not only their appearance or personality but something much more primal that draws you in – their scent. Each human being has a distinct personal odor that emanates from their body, influenced by their natural pheromones and personal care … Continue reading The Alluring Body Scents: Exploring the unique and magnetic odors emitted from characters’ bodies

Harnessing the Power of Smells: How Odours can Influence Characters and Drive the Plot.

Have you ever been transported to a different time or place by the mere whiff of a particular scent? The human sense of smell is undoubtedly one of the most evocative of our five senses and can trigger powerful memories, emotions and behavioural responses. As novelists, we recognize the power of smells to create an … Continue reading Harnessing the Power of Smells: How Odours can Influence Characters and Drive the Plot.

Playing with Contrasts and Tension: The Art of Using Smells in Writing

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that made you feel like you were right there, in the middle of the action? Chances are, the creators of that story used sensory details to immerse you in the world they created. While many writers focus on sight and sound, smells can be an … Continue reading Playing with Contrasts and Tension: The Art of Using Smells in Writing

The Scented Journey of Lust: Using Aphrodisiac Essences to Heighten Your Sensual Experience

As writers, it’s essential to keep our descriptions fresh and enticing. And what’s more compelling than the undeniable allure of desire? While there are countless ways to evoke lust on paper, one underused tool is the scent. The right aroma can bring your readers’ senses alive and transport them into a heightened state of passion. … Continue reading The Scented Journey of Lust: Using Aphrodisiac Essences to Heighten Your Sensual Experience

Amplifying Erotic Scenes with the Power of Smell

Have you ever been transported to a distant memory by the whiff of a familiar scent? Our sense of smell can be one of the most powerful triggers for emotions and memories, yet it is often overlooked in writing. When it comes to writing an erotic scene, incorporating the sense of smell can elevate the … Continue reading Amplifying Erotic Scenes with the Power of Smell

The Fragrance Notes of Passion: Exploring Scents that Enhance Sensuality

There is no denying the power that scent holds in evoking emotions and memories. The right fragrance can transport us to another time and place or ignite feelings of comfort and joy. When it comes to love and passion, scent plays a vital role. For centuries, people have used various fragrances to enhance sensuality and … Continue reading The Fragrance Notes of Passion: Exploring Scents that Enhance Sensuality

Magische Düfte

Eine Kleinstadt irgendwo an der Alaskanischen Riviera, Cicely mit Namen. Darin der Radio-DJ Chris Stevens, ein Künstlertyp, der Walt Whitman verehrt, C.G.Jung rezitiert und in seiner Freizeit aus Abfällen Kunstwerke zusammenschweißt. Einmal im Jahr wird er für die Frauen der Stadt einfach unwiderstehlich. Chris selbst weiß nicht, warum. Aber er nimmt es hin. Immerhin ist … Continue reading Magische Düfte