All posts by Marc Manther

Geboren 1976 in Bredstedt, Nordfriesland. Studium der Informatik an der CAU in Kiel. Arbeitet heute in der Softwareentwicklung. Lebt mit seiner Frau Sandra und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

How to Write Faster First Drafts: Tips and Tricks

Erotic fiction can be a thrilling genre to write in. But writing can be a lonely and challenging journey, especially when you’re racing against the clock. If you’re an erotic writer looking to speed up your first drafts, you’re not alone. Many writers struggle to let go of perfectionism and get their ideas down quickly. … Continue reading How to Write Faster First Drafts: Tips and Tricks

Catharsis: Enhancing Erotic Storytelling through Emotional Release

As erotic writers, we strive to create stories that not only arouse the senses but also ignite the imagination. We want to transport our readers to a world of passion and pleasure, where they can experience the intensity of desire and the beauty of intimacy. But to do that, we must go beyond the physical … Continue reading Catharsis: Enhancing Erotic Storytelling through Emotional Release

From expressive dance to performance art: a journey through the century

As we observe the evolution of art forms from one decade to the next, we can’t help but admire the lengths to which artists go to create a work of art that stands the test of time. The world of dance and performance art has seen sweeping changes over the last century, from the pioneers … Continue reading From expressive dance to performance art: a journey through the century

Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities

In the neighborhood of Jungfrauenthal in the district of Harvestehude, where the Hamburg Sorority Gamma Xi Delta has its headquarters, there are several fraternities: for example, the Germania Königsberg in Heimhuder Straße, the Hansea Alemannia Hamburg in Alsterkamp and the Germania in Sierichstraße. However, they are hardly suitable as partner fraternities due to their orientation. … Continue reading Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities

How to Overcome Writer’s Block and Find Your Next Sentence

If you’re a writer, nothing can be more frustrating than being stuck in a writer’s block. You know what you want to write, have a clear idea of where to take your story, but somehow, you can’t find the right words. Your fingers freeze on the keyboard, and hours have passed without any progress before … Continue reading How to Overcome Writer’s Block and Find Your Next Sentence

Describing jealousy masterfully

Jealousy is a powerful and complex emotion frequently addressed in erotic literature. Whether it’s the angst of a love triangle or the intensity of a possessive lover, depicting jealousy can add a new level of depth and sensuality to any story. As an erotica writer, it’s important to skillfully describe the physical, mental, and emotional … Continue reading Describing jealousy masterfully

Debunking the myth: Copulatory vocalizations in women are not a reflexive consequence of orgasm

We’re all familiar with the exaggerated whimpers and moans of women during sex scenes in movies and television shows. But are these copulatory sounds representative of what really happens in the bedroom? There is a prevailing belief that women reflexively make sounds during sex when they reach orgasm. However, recent studies have challenged this assumption. … Continue reading Debunking the myth: Copulatory vocalizations in women are not a reflexive consequence of orgasm

Pitfalls and Common Mistakes in Dramaturgy: An Analysis of Common Errors Authors Make When Crafting Dramaturgy and How to Avoid Them

As an erotic writer, crafting the perfect storyline is crucial to capturing and maintaining your readers’ attention. One of the most critical aspects of your story is the dramaturgy—the structure of your plot, character development, and overall story arc. While you may have a fantastic idea for a story, it’s essential to pay close attention … Continue reading Pitfalls and Common Mistakes in Dramaturgy: An Analysis of Common Errors Authors Make When Crafting Dramaturgy and How to Avoid Them

Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

Lenny Bruce, the infamous comedian from the 1950s and 1960s, is known for his groundbreaking comedy, which pushed the boundaries of censorship and challenged social norms. He was also a fierce defender of free speech, and he believed that the government had no place regulating or censoring what people could say or write. In fact, … Continue reading Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

The Genre of Erotic Thriller: How to Mix Fear and Suspense into Erotic Writing

As a writer of erotic thrillers, you know that creating an experience that’s both arousing and thrilling is challenging. While many stories focus solely on titillation, others rely on suspense to create a memorable experience. But what happens when you combine both elements? The result is a unique and unforgettable experience that readers crave. In … Continue reading The Genre of Erotic Thriller: How to Mix Fear and Suspense into Erotic Writing