All posts by Marc Manther

Geboren 1976 in Bredstedt, Nordfriesland. Studium der Informatik an der CAU in Kiel. Arbeitet heute in der Softwareentwicklung. Lebt mit seiner Frau Sandra und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

The Connection Between Motivation and Backstory

As a writer, it is important to create a protagonist who is believable and relatable to the reader. To do this, it is crucial to understand the character’s backstory and motivations, as they drive the decisions they make when faced with conflict. Understanding the character’s beliefs, values, and fears can make their struggles more concrete … Continue reading The Connection Between Motivation and Backstory

Justine by Marquis de Sade – An Exploration of One of the Most Controversial Erotic Works

Justine is an erotic novel written by the Marquis de Sade in 1791. The novel tells the story of a young woman named Justine who is subjected to various forms of sexual abuse and torture. Throughout the novel, Justine is subjected not only to physical abuse, but also to moral and philosophical reflections on the … Continue reading Justine by Marquis de Sade – An Exploration of One of the Most Controversial Erotic Works

The Art of Erotic Storytelling: Mastering the Erotic Staging

If you are an erotic writer, you know that every story, any story that tells of the encounter between two people, is inherently erotic since it tries to make the tension and attraction between them tangible.. One of the most challenging aspects of writing erotica is crafting a narrative that consistently evokes a sense of … Continue reading The Art of Erotic Storytelling: Mastering the Erotic Staging

The Importance of Research in Writing Erotic Literature: Can It Speed Up the Writing Process?

Writing erotic literature is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance of sensuality, creativity, and research. While the writing process may involve letting your imagination run wild with passion and desire, it also requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role research plays in writing erotic … Continue reading The Importance of Research in Writing Erotic Literature: Can It Speed Up the Writing Process?

The Sensual Imagery of Erich von Stroheim: Lessons for Contemporary Erotic Writers

Whether you’re a filmmaker, writer or other artist, conveying sensuality in your work can be very difficult. One artist who mastered this art was Erich von Stroheim, an Austrian-American director and screenwriter known for his work in the silent era, who conveyed eroticism in his films through images like few others. His films are proof … Continue reading The Sensual Imagery of Erich von Stroheim: Lessons for Contemporary Erotic Writers

Hamartia – The importance of error for an compelling plot

As an erotica writer, you may be struggling to develop a compelling plot. You have your characters, their motivations and their desires, but somehow the story doesn’t quite come together. One of the most important aspects of a good plot, according to Aristotle, is the element of hamartia or tragic flaw. Hamartia is a mistake … Continue reading Hamartia – The importance of error for an compelling plot

How to Write Faster First Drafts: Tips and Tricks

Erotic fiction can be a thrilling genre to write in. But writing can be a lonely and challenging journey, especially when you’re racing against the clock. If you’re an erotic writer looking to speed up your first drafts, you’re not alone. Many writers struggle to let go of perfectionism and get their ideas down quickly. … Continue reading How to Write Faster First Drafts: Tips and Tricks

Catharsis: Enhancing Erotic Storytelling through Emotional Release

As erotic writers, we strive to create stories that not only arouse the senses but also ignite the imagination. We want to transport our readers to a world of passion and pleasure, where they can experience the intensity of desire and the beauty of intimacy. But to do that, we must go beyond the physical … Continue reading Catharsis: Enhancing Erotic Storytelling through Emotional Release

From expressive dance to performance art: a journey through the century

As we observe the evolution of art forms from one decade to the next, we can’t help but admire the lengths to which artists go to create a work of art that stands the test of time. The world of dance and performance art has seen sweeping changes over the last century, from the pioneers … Continue reading From expressive dance to performance art: a journey through the century

Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities

In the neighborhood of Jungfrauenthal in the district of Harvestehude, where the Hamburg Sorority Gamma Xi Delta has its headquarters, there are several fraternities: for example, the Germania Königsberg in Heimhuder Straße, the Hansea Alemannia Hamburg in Alsterkamp and the Germania in Sierichstraße. However, they are hardly suitable as partner fraternities due to their orientation. … Continue reading Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities