All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

The Art of Erotic Writing for Different Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Novels, and More

Writing about sex and sensuality can be a challenging task. It requires a certain level of creativity, sensuality, and a deep understanding of the human psyche. For writers, it is not only about describing the physical act, but also about delving into the emotional and psychological aspects of sexuality. In this blog post, we will … Continue reading The Art of Erotic Writing for Different Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Novels, and More

The Complexities of Big-Little Relationships in Sororities

Joining a sorority can be an exciting experience for many young women as they embark on a new journey in college. One of the most cherished sorority traditions is the assignment of a Big Sister to a Little Sister, where the Big Sister guides and supports her younger counterpart. However, despite the best intentions, conflicts … Continue reading The Complexities of Big-Little Relationships in Sororities

Embracing Body Positivity in a Community: How You Can Support Others and Strengthen Yourself

Body positivity is a topic that has taken over the internet, inspiring people to reclaim their bodies and love themselves unconditionally. But this journey can be a difficult and isolating one, and it can be hard to stay positive when you feel alone. That’s where community comes in. By surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who … Continue reading Embracing Body Positivity in a Community: How You Can Support Others and Strengthen Yourself

Describing Passion Masterfully: A Guide for Erotic Writers

Passion is the heart of erotica. A story without passion is like a rose without fragrance – it lacks the essence that makes it truly sensual. As an erotic writer, your goal is to create a world that vibrates with the intensity of two people coming together in an irresistible explosion of desire. But how … Continue reading Describing Passion Masterfully: A Guide for Erotic Writers

Nymphs as a theme of erotic fairy tales

The world of fairy tales is full of magical creatures and fantastic phenomena. Therefore, it is a fertile ground for authors and creators to explore eroticism and sensuality with the help of mythological and fictional characters. Among the many beings that appear in erotic fairy tales, nymphs occupy a special place. These semi-divine beings with … Continue reading Nymphs as a theme of erotic fairy tales

The Rise of Revenge Porn and what we can do against it

In a world where pornography is becoming more socially acceptable, the issue of revenge porn has spilled over into the mainstream, raising concerns about our collective safety and sanity. Revenge porn, the non-consensual sharing of explicit images and videos, is a phenomenon that has increased with the advent of websites like Pornhub, where anyone can … Continue reading The Rise of Revenge Porn and what we can do against it

10 Sensual Halloween-Themed Erotic Story Ideas

Erotic storytelling is all about exploring taboo situations and pushing boundaries, and what better setting to do so than on Halloween? The holiday that celebrates all things spooky and sexy, Halloween provides the perfect backdrop for exploring our deepest, darker desires. Whether you’re a seasoned erotic writer or a newbie looking to experiment with the … Continue reading 10 Sensual Halloween-Themed Erotic Story Ideas

What erotica writers can learn from Candice Bushnell’s “Sex and the City”

Candice Bushnell’s “Sex and the City” is a series that revolutionized the way we see women and sexuality on television. It gave voice to female fantasies and desires that were rarely discussed in public before. The series also had a profound impact on literature, inspiring an entire generation of writers to explore eroticism and romance … Continue reading What erotica writers can learn from Candice Bushnell’s “Sex and the City”

Explicit description of bodies in erotic literature: pros and cons.

Erotic literature often contains explicit descriptions of human bodies in various sexual scenarios. Some people feel that this type of writing is necessary to convey the full sexual experience, while others argue that it objectifies the characters and promotes unrealistic standards of beauty. In this blog, we’ll look at the pros and cons of explicit … Continue reading Explicit description of bodies in erotic literature: pros and cons.