All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

Hauttöne beschreiben – Vergleiche – Modifier – Untertöne

Folgend der “4 Jahreszeiten Typologie” der Hauttypen ist der Sommertyp mit am leichtesten zu identifizieren. Letztlich geht es um das Urbild des nordischen Typs: Helle, fast weiße Haut, mitunter mit leichten bläulichen Untertönen. Gut durchblutet wirkt sie rosig. Viele Sommertypen werden in der Sonne eher rot denn braun, was aber nicht zwangsläufig ist. Denn wer … Continue reading Hauttöne beschreiben – Vergleiche – Modifier – Untertöne

Hauttöne beschreiben: Teints und Jahreszeiten-Typen

Wenn wir Menschen beschreiben, vielleicht sogar nackte Menschen, kommen wir nicht darum herum, ein paar Worte über deren Hautton zu verlieren. Der Teint trägt maßgeblich zum Erscheinungsbild bei und sagt im besten Fall viel über die Person aus. Jemand, der den ganzen Tag in einer Bibliothek hockt und Bücher katalogisiert, wird weniger braungebrannt sein als … Continue reading Hauttöne beschreiben: Teints und Jahreszeiten-Typen

How to describe a female breast 3: Questionary

Yesterday, I explored the idea of describing breasts through analogies. This has the advantage of immediately evoking an idea without my having to go far as a writer. Plus, it’s a poetic way that doesn’t go into too much detail. But if you are serious about trying to put the shape of a breast into … Continue reading How to describe a female breast 3: Questionary

How to describe a female breast 2: ANALOGIES

While searching for a systematic description of the shapes that breasts can take, I came across the Italian sexologist Piero Lorenzoni. His list of breast shapes mostly refers to analogies with fruit. Piero Lorenzoni and his publications Lorenzoni is little known in Germany. He has published numerous books on eroticism in his homeland since the … Continue reading How to describe a female breast 2: ANALOGIES

How to describe A Female breast 1: Introduction

Breasts have a dull existence in erotic literature, especially among self-publishers. They are big. And round. They look great. Of course, they do. In the English-speaking world, they are mostly “gorgeous,” shall mean magnificent, dreamlike, beautiful. As a woman, such clichés make me want to vomit. And not out of envy. The images that are … Continue reading How to describe A Female breast 1: Introduction


What is the difference between eroticism and pornography? I think of Reiner Kunze. In his book “The lovely years,” he tells of the uproar that the film “The Legend of Paul and Paula” caused in his town at the time. The film was accused of being pornography. Yet naked skin was actually nothing special in … Continue reading THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EROTICISM AND PORNOGRAPHY

In the meantime, the English translation of my story “Monica’s Basement” is also available. In the translation I have revised, expanded and rearranged the text once again. I hope you like it in its current version. Here’s what it’s about: Monika sets up a hobby cellar in the basement of her house after her husband … Continue reading