Category Archives: Body

Especially beginners like to use qualifiers in the erotic description of bodies. The protagonist has “a great body”, “beautiful breasts” etc. But these qualifiers have no information value and are not able to create vivid pictures while reading. In this category, we want to consider how things can be done differently.

Exhibitionism in Erotic Literature

Embracing the Feminine Form Exhibitionism has always been a controversial topic, especially when it comes to the representation of women in erotic literature. Some people may argue that it objectifies women, while others may argue that it is simply a form of self-expression. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it is hard to … Continue reading Exhibitionism in Erotic Literature

Finding the Sensual Side of the Belly Button

When we think about the human body and its powers of seduction, our mind usually jumps to the classic markers of sexuality: the cleavage, the curves, the legs, and the backside. Rarely do we hear much about the belly button, this cute little divot that sits sandwiched between our abs. But writers throughout history have … Continue reading Finding the Sensual Side of the Belly Button

Naked in Public 4: Shakespeare’s The Tempest – nude in New York Central Park

Nudity has been used in theater for centuries, with examples dating back to ancient Greek theater. In fact, nudity was a common element in Greek tragedies and comedies, in which actors often appeared nude. In some cases, nudity served to portray characters such as gods or heroes who would embody ideals of physical beauty and … Continue reading Naked in Public 4: Shakespeare’s The Tempest – nude in New York Central Park

Literary descriptions of the gaze

In literature, there are countless representations of gazes that reflect the emotions of protagonists. In this regard, authors use various literary techniques to emphasize the importance of looks in their stories and to convey the characters’ emotions. Here are some examples: Gaze descriptions: Authors may use detailed descriptions of gazes to illustrate the emotions of … Continue reading Literary descriptions of the gaze

Why high heels and barefoot running complement each other

High heels have become an iconic symbol of femininity and beauty. One argument for wearing high heels is that they can make a person appear taller, slimmer, and more confident. They can also elongate the legs and make them look more shapely. Additionally, high heels can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to an … Continue reading Why high heels and barefoot running complement each other

Pubic hair in literature

There are many examples of descriptions of pubic hair in literature, both contemporary and historical. One well-known example is from the classic novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” by D.H. Lawrence. In the book, the protagonist describes his lover’s pubic hair as “thick and dark,” a description that emphasizes the physicality and sensuality of the female body. … Continue reading Pubic hair in literature