The fear of sexuality in the right-wing camp

It’s no surprise that sexuality is causing an uproar in today’s society, especially among right-wing conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and anti-abortionists. What is it that they find so frightening about it? Is it their own repressed desires and feelings coming to the surface? Is it the unknown that another person’s desire brings? Or perhaps they refuse to accept anything other than what has been preached for years – especially when it comes to women having control over their own bodies? Whatever the cause, these groups have taken steps over time to demonize and condemn sexuality. So let’s take an honest look at this issue together: Why are these people so afraid of sex (and its various forms), while paradoxically needing something they despise to procreate themselves?

Moral concepts

For conservative right-wingers, sexuality is often closely tied to moral ideas. They see sexuality as something that should take place exclusively within a marriage between a man and a woman, and therefore condemn sexual behavior outside of this norm. They also often view sexuality as something that should be exclusively for procreation rather than a form of pleasure or self-development.

Loss of control

Some conservative groups fear that sexuality is an uncontrollable force that can lead to confusion, loss of values, and the breakdown of society. They see sexuality as something that must be controlled and limited in order to maintain order and stability in society.

Changing traditional values

The conservative right often fears that the emancipation of women, the acceptance of sexual diversity, and the liberalization of society as a whole could lead to a change in traditional values and norms. In this context, they view sexuality as a threat to their conception of family, marriage, and gender roles.

Religious beliefs

For many conservative groups, rejection of certain forms of sexuality is part of their religious beliefs. They believe that sexuality should only take place within a marriage between a man and a woman and that all other forms of sexuality are sin and depravity.

What does this mean for us as authors?

Overall, the conservative right’s fear of sexuality is a complex issue based on a variety of factors, including moral beliefs, loss of control, changing traditional values, and religious beliefs. It is important to understand and respect these attitudes but also to advocate for an open and tolerant society that respects sexual freedom and self-determination for all people.

As authors, our stories thrive on conflict – and here we have an authoritative conflict that is present through all walks of life. Whether we are describing charismatic preachers who are irritated by the pubescent eroticism of young adolescents (as in Marc Manther’s “The Confirmand“) or young teenagers who fall in love seriously for the first time and now question the sexual morality they grew up with. The point is not to ridicule positions, but to take both sides of the conflict seriously. And this also involves engaging with the position of the dissenters in the first place.

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