Category Archives: Writing erotica

We analyse texts from the fields of fiction and non-fiction and think about how high-quality eroticism can look today. We have no patent remedies, but put our thoughts and convictions on erotic literature on paper.
We regard the texts presented here as “work in progress”, which are constantly being expanded and updated as soon as we find new, exciting examples or topics. Ideally, over time this will create a pool of ideas for erotic literature for all those who write themselves.

Emma Watson and the Right to Femininity

A self-confessed feminist is shown on the cover of a glossy magazine, lightly dressed, with a coarse-mesh Burberry bolero over her shoulders, and obviously naked underneath. Her breasts are half visible. Former teen idol Emma Watson has herself staged as a Victorian rebel for the March issue of Vanity Fair ( And the Internet community … Continue reading Emma Watson and the Right to Femininity

Stichworte für eure KDP eBooks

Bei Sandras erster erotischen Geschichte, “Monikas Keller“, waren wir noch froh, überhaupt sieben Suchstichworte zu finden, als KDP beim Einstellen die Frage nach den Keywords stellte.  Damals hatten wir noch nicht begriffen, was für ein mächtiges Tool uns dort zur Verfügung gestellt wird, um unsere Bücher auffindbar zu machen. Inzwischen sind wir um einige Erfahrungen … Continue reading Stichworte für eure KDP eBooks