New Confidence Memes
Here’s a new set of confidence memes from Gamma Xi Delta Sorority. If you feel addressed by them, feel free to share them.
Here’s a new set of confidence memes from Gamma Xi Delta Sorority. If you feel addressed by them, feel free to share them.
Body confidence is likely to remain an issue for the foreseeable future. Hardly anyone is really happy with their appearance. Some things can be controlled by visiting the gym regularly, others are simply innate. But as long as others judge us by our looks, we all too easily succumb to the temptation of disdain for … Continue reading New Body-con picture quotes
Affirmations are short fragments of thought, easy to remember and enormously helpful in seeing yourself in a new light. We can superimpose negative emotions with them. Some use them as a kind of mantra in meditation, for example in autogenic training. Let them work on you, see what they do to your mood and reflect … Continue reading Body-Con affirmations
Here is a new set of picture quotes, this time on the topic of self-esteem. Since many of us tend to judge our self-esteem by our appearance – and thus by the attention we get from others – it might be worthwhile to look at the other side again: Once we make our self-esteem dependent … Continue reading Self-esteem picture quotes
And once again a selection of picture quotations, this time on the subject of nudity. You probably know that Danielle, the president of Gamma Xi Delta, has her very own idea of how the students of Sorority should pose to her body. “Get out of the comfort zone” is the motto she uses to push … Continue reading Picture quotes Nudity