Here is a new set of picture quotes, this time on the topic of self-esteem. Since many of us tend to judge our self-esteem by our appearance – and thus by the attention we get from others – it might be worthwhile to look at the other side again: Once we make our self-esteem dependent on how others judge us, we are helplessly at their mercy.
The only remedy is to concentrate on yourself at least in this area. This does not mean to consider oneself unconditionally good. But it does mean working on a realistic self-image. This also includes your own weaknesses.
It does not help to run away from these weaknesses or to think about them as little as possible. They are a challenge for us to develop ourselves further. But if we do our best, we have every reason to look at ourselves with goodwill in the mirror.
Self-love has nothing to do with narcissism. It is the basic prerequisite for a positive charisma. And the basic premise for being positive towards others.