Category Archives: Gamma Xi Delta

A sorority in Hamburg, not far from the university campus, near the Alster. Danielle, the president, always takes her students out of their comfort zone. Her goal is a new body awareness. Because shame is deeply rooted in our society, and it manifests the existing conditions.
Learn more about Gamma Xi Delta Sorority at “Our Books

How a Self-Defense Course Can Make You Feel More Empowered and Sexy

As an erotic writer, you know the importance of feeling confident and in control of your own body. But what about outside of the bedroom? Have you ever considered the ways in which your body language communicate your level of confidence and assertiveness? That’s where a self-defense course can come in. Not only will you … Continue reading How a Self-Defense Course Can Make You Feel More Empowered and Sexy

Bodysuits vs. Bras: Why Wearing Bras Might Actually be Unhealthy

It’s time to ditch the bras and opt for bodysuits instead. As women, we’ve been taught to believe that bras are essential to maintaining the shape of our breasts and providing support. However, recent studies have shown that bras are not as beneficial as we thought. In fact, wearing bras for extended periods of time … Continue reading Bodysuits vs. Bras: Why Wearing Bras Might Actually be Unhealthy

Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities

In the neighborhood of Jungfrauenthal in the district of Harvestehude, where the Hamburg Sorority Gamma Xi Delta has its headquarters, there are several fraternities: for example, the Germania Königsberg in Heimhuder Straße, the Hansea Alemannia Hamburg in Alsterkamp and the Germania in Sierichstraße. However, they are hardly suitable as partner fraternities due to their orientation. … Continue reading Cultural Differences between German and American Fraternities

The Connection Between Exercise and Positive Energy

Have you ever experienced that wonderful feeling after going for a run or hitting the gym? You feel uplifted and energized, ready to tackle anything that comes your way. This is not just a coincidence; there is a scientific reason behind it. Exercise releases endorphins, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing positive energy levels. This … Continue reading The Connection Between Exercise and Positive Energy

The history of the corset: invention, construction and function of a garment from S&M culture.

Corsets have always been a part of fashion history, but their popularity reached a new peak during the Victorian era. Many people associate corsets with tight lacing, breathlessness and swooning, but there is much more to the garment than meets the eye. In this blog post, we will explore the history, function, purpose, and importance … Continue reading The history of the corset: invention, construction and function of a garment from S&M culture.

Sorority Legacies: Everything You Need to Know

As a college freshman, joining a sorority can be an exciting prospect, with visions of sisterhood, bonding, and lifelong friendships dancing in your head. But there’s one aspect of sorority recruitment that may cause confusion and stress: legacies. What does it mean to be a legacy, and what are the implications for sorority recruitment? In … Continue reading Sorority Legacies: Everything You Need to Know

Gamma Xi Delta’s Empowerment Project for Sorority Sisters

Almost all sororities have an account on Tumblr or Instagram where photos of members are shown and shared. Gamma Xi Delta is no exception. The twist at the Hamburg sorority, however, is different. Instead of the usual bikini photos, each member does at least one topless shoot, with the published images never showing more than … Continue reading Gamma Xi Delta’s Empowerment Project for Sorority Sisters

The Naked Truth: Understanding What Shapes Our Body Image

Our body image is crucial to how we see ourselves and our place in the world. It affects our self-confidence, self-worth, and how we interact with others. But have you ever wondered what factors shape your body image? It’s a question worth exploring, especially for writers of erotic literature who want to create realistic and … Continue reading The Naked Truth: Understanding What Shapes Our Body Image

From one-piece suits to skinny-dipping: What our swimwear says about society

From the modest one-piece swimsuits of the early 20th century to the barely-there bikinis of today, our swimwear has come a long way. It’s always been more than just a protective garment for the beach or pool – it’s a reflection of society, culture, and our attitude toward the human body. In this blog post, … Continue reading From one-piece suits to skinny-dipping: What our swimwear says about society