Category Archives: Writing erotica

We analyse texts from the fields of fiction and non-fiction and think about how high-quality eroticism can look today. We have no patent remedies, but put our thoughts and convictions on erotic literature on paper.
We regard the texts presented here as “work in progress”, which are constantly being expanded and updated as soon as we find new, exciting examples or topics. Ideally, over time this will create a pool of ideas for erotic literature for all those who write themselves.

Describing skin tones: The winter type

As an erotic author, you know how important it is to describe your character’s appearance in vivid detail. One way to categorize physical attributes is by identifying skin types. Many of us are familiar with the “Colour Me Beautiful” system, which divides human complexions into four categories: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In this blog … Continue reading Describing skin tones: The winter type

“Abstinence-only-until-marriage” as a novel theme

Young people in church settings are often under pressure to conform to society’s norms and expectations. One of the greatest expectations placed on them is that they refrain from sexual activity until they are married. The argument often used is that the term “adultery” in the biblical context includes premarital sex, since it does not … Continue reading “Abstinence-only-until-marriage” as a novel theme

The Alluring Body Scents: Exploring the unique and magnetic odors emitted from characters’ bodies

Have you ever been in the presence of someone whose body odor immediately captivated you? It’s not only their appearance or personality but something much more primal that draws you in – their scent. Each human being has a distinct personal odor that emanates from their body, influenced by their natural pheromones and personal care … Continue reading The Alluring Body Scents: Exploring the unique and magnetic odors emitted from characters’ bodies

What Does Wearing Jeans Say About Us? A Look into the History of this Iconic Garment

Jeans have been iconic clothing for many years and have become a staple in most women’s wardrobes. But have you ever thought about what wearing jeans can say about the women who choose to wear them? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the history of jeans, explore how they became a must-have for the … Continue reading What Does Wearing Jeans Say About Us? A Look into the History of this Iconic Garment

Pornography and Feminism: Between Liberation and Oppression

Pornography has been a topic of debate among feminists for decades. While some see it as a form of liberation, others view it as a tool of oppression. As an author of erotic novels, it is important to understand this complex relationship between pornography and feminism. In this blog post, we will look at the … Continue reading Pornography and Feminism: Between Liberation and Oppression

The Art of Seduction: Writing Delicious Descriptions in Erotic Literature

Erotic literature is all about evoking sensual pleasure and engaging the reader’s imagination. One essential aspect of erotic storytelling is crafting tantalizing descriptions that bring the reader into the experience. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the art of writing delicious descriptions in erotic literature, specifically descriptions of taste. We’ll provide tips and techniques to … Continue reading The Art of Seduction: Writing Delicious Descriptions in Erotic Literature

Describe skin tones: The summer skin tone

As an erotic author, it’s essential to know how to describe the appearance of your characters in vivid detail. One factor that can make a character’s skin stand out is their skin tone. The “Colour me beautiful” system divides skin tones into four categories: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. The Summer skin tone is unique … Continue reading Describe skin tones: The summer skin tone

The Power of Encouragement: How it Shapes Characters and Lives

As a writer, I know all too well about the importance of character development. Adding depth and dimension to your characters is both an art and a science. But have you ever considered the impact of encouragement on the characters you create? The truth is that encouragement has a far-reaching effect, not just on fictional … Continue reading The Power of Encouragement: How it Shapes Characters and Lives

The Power Dynamics of David and Bathsheba: A Feminist Analysis

The biblical story of David and Bathsheba is one that is often referenced in religious texts but is often overlooked from a feminist perspective. The focus is usually on David’s sin of adultery and Bathsheba’s role as a passive victim, but there is much more to this story. This blog post will examine the plot … Continue reading The Power Dynamics of David and Bathsheba: A Feminist Analysis

The Importance of Character Development in Erotic Literature: More Than Just Physical Attraction

In the world of erotic literature, it’s essential to create characters that readers can connect with beyond their physical attributes. Character development can transform an average storyline into an enthralling and memorable experience for the reader. While physical attraction is part of human nature, it’s the emotional and psychological connection that makes a story stand … Continue reading The Importance of Character Development in Erotic Literature: More Than Just Physical Attraction