Category Archives: Body

Especially beginners like to use qualifiers in the erotic description of bodies. The protagonist has “a great body”, “beautiful breasts” etc. But these qualifiers have no information value and are not able to create vivid pictures while reading. In this category, we want to consider how things can be done differently.

Body hostility in Christian churches: a deeply rooted problem

The relationship between religion and sexuality is complex and often fraught with tension. Particularly in Christian churches, one repeatedly encounters the phenomenon of hostility towards the body – a negative attitude towards the human body and sexuality. But why is it that religion is so often used to make sexuality seem undesirable? Historical roots of … Continue reading Body hostility in Christian churches: a deeply rooted problem

The underrated eroticism of calves – A guide for authors

In the world of erotic writing, authors often focus their attention on obviously sensual body parts. But sometimes the real art lies in recognizing the potential in the seemingly mundane details. Today we turn our attention to an often overlooked but fascinating subject: calves. Why calves? Calves are a subtle but powerful element in erotic … Continue reading The underrated eroticism of calves – A guide for authors

What do long legs have to do with health and fertility?

The association of long legs with health and fertility is rooted in evolutionary psychology and human perceptual patterns. Although there is no direct scientific evidence that long legs per se guarantee health or fertility, certain signals and interpretations play a role when people judge attractiveness. Here are the main reasons why long legs are associated … Continue reading What do long legs have to do with health and fertility?

Foot Fetishism: Why Naked Feet Are Erotic for Some

The erotic perception of naked feet is a phenomenon known as podophilia or, more commonly, foot fetishism. There are several approaches to explaining this perception, both from a psychological and cultural perspective. Let’s take a closer look at the possible reasons and historical developments: 1. Psychological explanations There are several psychological theories that attempt to … Continue reading Foot Fetishism: Why Naked Feet Are Erotic for Some

Nipple Exposure in Public: A Changing Cultural Taboo?

The discussion about nipple exposure in public has become more heated and significant in recent years. What used to be scandalous and taboo seems to be changing slowly but surely today. Women, especially prominent ones, are standing up against rigid social norms that often oversexualize and simultaneously shame the female body. What was “Nipplegate”? The … Continue reading Nipple Exposure in Public: A Changing Cultural Taboo?

All about Nipples: a Guide to Shapes, Sizes and Special Features

In erotic literature, the female body often plays a central role, but descriptions of breasts in particular quickly fall into the trap of clichés and well-known phrases. Nipples are not only functional, but also a fascinating topic that should be celebrated in all its forms and variations. Here is an overview of the variety and … Continue reading All about Nipples: a Guide to Shapes, Sizes and Special Features