Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

Hast du schon einmal einen bestimmten Duft gerochen und dich plötzlich in eine längst vergessene Erinnerung zurückversetzt gefühlt? Unser Geruchssinn ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, das starke Emotionen und lebhafte Erinnerungen hervorrufen kann. Wenn du als Autorin oder Autor die Macht der Düfte nutzt, kann das deiner Erzählung eine zusätzliche Dimension verleihen, vor allem wenn es … Continue reading Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The “Wild Woman” is a powerful archetype that has existed for centuries in mythology and folklore. She represents femininity’s untamed and primal aspect and embodies passion, intuition and creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the meaning of the “Wild Woman” and how she has been portrayed in different cultures throughout history. The archetype … Continue reading The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Arthur Schopenhauer on Sexuality: Insights for Erotic Writers

Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher who lived in the 19th century. Although his main focus was on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, he also wrote extensively on human nature, including sexuality. While some of his ideas might seem outdated or even controversial, they can still offer valuable insights for modern-day erotic writers. In this blog … Continue reading Arthur Schopenhauer on Sexuality: Insights for Erotic Writers

A Feast for the Senses: The Intertwining of Taste and Eroticism

Have you ever experienced a tingling sensation in your mouth as you savor different flavors? It’s not just your taste buds that respond, but your senses of smell, touch and even sight. Sensuality is a complex experience that can be heightened by the combination of tastes and eroticism. The power of food to evoke memories, … Continue reading A Feast for the Senses: The Intertwining of Taste and Eroticism

Building Erotic Tension: Techniques for Creating Anticipation and Desire

As erotic writers, we aim to create an intense build-up of desire and anticipation in our readers. We want our stories to provoke a strong emotional response, leaving our audience wanting more. But how do we achieve this? How do we create those decisive moments that keep our readers turning the pages? This blog post … Continue reading Building Erotic Tension: Techniques for Creating Anticipation and Desire

When an erotic novel became a masterpiece of modern Dutch literature: “Turkish Delight” by Jan Wolkers

If you’re an aspiring erotica writer, you may have heard of the controversial novel “Turkish Delight” by Dutch author Jan Wolkers. The graphic descriptions of graphic sex scenes and the extreme emotional turmoil of the characters made it a controversial but compelling read. In this blog post, we look at the content, story, and impact … Continue reading When an erotic novel became a masterpiece of modern Dutch literature: “Turkish Delight” by Jan Wolkers

Masterfully Describing Sexual Inhibitions

As an erotica writer, it is common to create complex characters with a range of sexual experiences and desires. However, some writers find it difficult to effectively portray sexual inhibition. Sexual inhibitions are the various emotional and physical barriers that can prevent people from fully living out their sexual freedom. As the creator of your … Continue reading Masterfully Describing Sexual Inhibitions

The Role of Conflict in Erotic Literature

As an aspiring or seasoned erotic author, conflict plays a crucial role in creating a compelling narrative that arouses your readers’ imagination and emotions. The conflict in erotic literature can be physical, emotional, psychological, or even spiritual, but it should always drive the plot forward, intensify the tension, and lead to a satisfying resolution. In … Continue reading The Role of Conflict in Erotic Literature

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