Category Archives: Writing erotica

We analyse texts from the fields of fiction and non-fiction and think about how high-quality eroticism can look today. We have no patent remedies, but put our thoughts and convictions on erotic literature on paper.
We regard the texts presented here as “work in progress”, which are constantly being expanded and updated as soon as we find new, exciting examples or topics. Ideally, over time this will create a pool of ideas for erotic literature for all those who write themselves.

Indexing – The legal boundaries of erotic literature

Erotic literature has always been a controversial subject and its influence on society is debatable. From moral and ethical standards to legal implications, the publication and distribution of erotic literature walks a fine line worldwide. Different countries have their own laws and regulations governing the publication and distribution of erotic literature. One such law is … Continue reading Indexing – The legal boundaries of erotic literature

Enhancing the Eroticism with Visual Symbols

ENF (embarrassed naked female) writing is a subgenre of erotica that focuses on themes of nudity, embarrassment, and vulnerability. While this subgenre can be quite intense and powerful, it can sometimes be difficult to effectively convey the emotions and feelings of a scene without relying on overused clichés or bland descriptions. One way to enhance … Continue reading Enhancing the Eroticism with Visual Symbols

Images of the “Perfect” Body: A critical analysis of media representation

In today’s world of social media, being attractive and desirable is considered an important part of one’s personality. Images of perfect bodies, idealized facial features, and flawless skin are constantly displayed, creating unrealistic expectations of beauty. The “ideal” images of beauty that we see in the media every day represent an unattainable standard for many … Continue reading Images of the “Perfect” Body: A critical analysis of media representation

The role of tone and atmosphere in a captivating reading experience

As an erotic author, you know that a captivating story is about more than just writing sexy scenes. It’s about grabbing the reader’s attention, captivating them with your words and characters and taking them on an emotional journey. One of the most important elements in achieving this is the use of tone and atmosphere. Your … Continue reading The role of tone and atmosphere in a captivating reading experience

Overcoming inhibitions: A journey to self-acceptance

Inhibitions, fears and inhibitions often limit our freedom to express ourselves. They prevent us from accepting ourselves as we truly are and stop us from enjoying life to the fullest. However, as women, it is important to challenge these limiting beliefs, especially when it comes to our relationship with our bodies. In this blog post, … Continue reading Overcoming inhibitions: A journey to self-acceptance

The Last Tango in Paris: Revolutionary Storytelling in the 70s

For many, the film “The Last Tango in Paris” by director Bernardo Bertolucci defined the way sex scenes were portrayed and told in cinema during the 70s. With the French New Wave movement influencing the storytelling and visual techniques of the time, Bertolucci pushed the envelope with a raw, explicit portrayal of the human body … Continue reading The Last Tango in Paris: Revolutionary Storytelling in the 70s

How does creativity work? Why do the best ideas often come to us in the shower?

Have you ever wondered why the best ideas come to you when you’re not actively looking for them? Maybe it’s in the shower or on your morning walk. This phenomenon is not just in your head. The process of creativity is complex, but we’ve looked at some research to understand better the brain’s role in … Continue reading How does creativity work? Why do the best ideas often come to us in the shower?

The Importance of Character Goals in Erotic Writing

As a writer, you want your readers to feel engaged and invested in your story. One way to do this is to create characters with clear goals. But what exactly are character goals, and how do they work in creative writing? In this article, we will explore the importance of character goals, the different types … Continue reading The Importance of Character Goals in Erotic Writing