Category Archives: Writing erotica

We analyse texts from the fields of fiction and non-fiction and think about how high-quality eroticism can look today. We have no patent remedies, but put our thoughts and convictions on erotic literature on paper.
We regard the texts presented here as “work in progress”, which are constantly being expanded and updated as soon as we find new, exciting examples or topics. Ideally, over time this will create a pool of ideas for erotic literature for all those who write themselves.

The Power of Bare Feet. Why Society Consider Them a Symbol of Innocence and Abstinence

Throughout history, bare feet have been a symbol of many things, including poverty, humility, and innocence. In some cultures, going barefoot is a sign of respect and a way of showing humility in front of others. But in Western culture, bare feet have taken on a new meaning. For many women, going barefoot is seen … Continue reading The Power of Bare Feet. Why Society Consider Them a Symbol of Innocence and Abstinence

The Power Play Of Touch In Creative Writing

The art of describing a touch can convey more than just physical sensations; it can reveal power dynamics, emotional connections, and even plot twists. But with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to writing about intimate moments. While Fifty Shades of Grey may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s a great … Continue reading The Power Play Of Touch In Creative Writing

Nudity vs. Erotica

A Feminist Perspective As a feminist writer, I have often heard the argument that nudity and eroticism are interchangeable terms. This notion infuriates me because it completely disregards the female body and reduces it to mere sexual objectification. In this blog post, I will discuss the difference between nudity and eroticism from a feminist perspective. … Continue reading Nudity vs. Erotica

Exhibitionism in Erotic Literature

Embracing the Feminine Form Exhibitionism has always been a controversial topic, especially when it comes to the representation of women in erotic literature. Some people may argue that it objectifies women, while others may argue that it is simply a form of self-expression. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it is hard to … Continue reading Exhibitionism in Erotic Literature