Category Archives: Body

Especially beginners like to use qualifiers in the erotic description of bodies. The protagonist has “a great body”, “beautiful breasts” etc. But these qualifiers have no information value and are not able to create vivid pictures while reading. In this category, we want to consider how things can be done differently.

Exploring the City Differently: Walking Barefoot Through Street and Parcs

Are you tired of exploring the city in the same old way? Are you looking for a unique experience that lets you connect with the city on a deeper level? If yes, then why not try walking barefoot through the city? It might sound crazy at first, but this unique and memorable experience has many … Continue reading Exploring the City Differently: Walking Barefoot Through Street and Parcs

The discovery of the Clitoris: From Bernard de Mandeville to Helen O’Connell

The clitoris is a mysterious and fascinating part of the female anatomy. This tiny yet powerful organ has been controversial and fascinated throughout history. From the first recorded description of the clitoris by Bernard de Mandeville in the 18th century to our current understanding of its anatomy by Dr. Helen O’Connell in the 21st century, … Continue reading The discovery of the Clitoris: From Bernard de Mandeville to Helen O’Connell

The Life Reform Movement: The Rediscovery of the Body

At the forefront of the life reform movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a newfound ideal of the body that emphasized physical beauty over spiritual conformity to traditional morality. By emphasizing natural living and access to resources such as fresher food and sunlight, the Life Reformers revolutionized society’s understanding of what … Continue reading The Life Reform Movement: The Rediscovery of the Body

The Uncomfortable Truth About Cosmetic Surgery on the Female Vulva

As women, we are constantly bombarded with societal expectations of perfection, and our bodies are never exempt from this scrutiny. From tummy tucks to breast augmentations, women have been altering their appearance to fit a certain standard set by society. However, in the last few years, there has been an alarming increase in the number … Continue reading The Uncomfortable Truth About Cosmetic Surgery on the Female Vulva

The Naked Truth: Understanding What Shapes Our Body Image

Our body image is crucial to how we see ourselves and our place in the world. It affects our self-confidence, self-worth, and how we interact with others. But have you ever wondered what factors shape your body image? It’s a question worth exploring, especially for writers of erotic literature who want to create realistic and … Continue reading The Naked Truth: Understanding What Shapes Our Body Image

Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

In a world where discussions about female sexuality are often shrouded in taboo and mystery, the web documentary series “Clit Revolution” is a refreshing and encouraging exploration. Directed by two women in search of understanding and justice, this thought-provoking series explores the origins of the taboo surrounding female sexuality. A Feminist Activism Handbook was published … Continue reading Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Let’s face it, we live in a society where sexual taboos still exist. And despite the increasing open-mindedness towards sexual fantasies, the anus is still perceived as a forbidden sexual body part. The anus has a long history of being shunned in erotic literature, and it’s time to understand why this is the case. In … Continue reading Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Embracing Nudity as a Form of Protest Against Society’s Body Ideals

For years, society has placed unrealistic standards when it comes to the human body. The media has perpetuated the idea that there is only one type of perfection and that anything else falls short. This has led to a multitude of issues, including body shaming, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and even depression. One way to … Continue reading Embracing Nudity as a Form of Protest Against Society’s Body Ideals