Category Archives: Writing erotica

We analyse texts from the fields of fiction and non-fiction and think about how high-quality eroticism can look today. We have no patent remedies, but put our thoughts and convictions on erotic literature on paper.
We regard the texts presented here as “work in progress”, which are constantly being expanded and updated as soon as we find new, exciting examples or topics. Ideally, over time this will create a pool of ideas for erotic literature for all those who write themselves.

Masterfully Describing Shyness – How it Impacts Life.

Shyness is a personality trait that affects many individuals. It causes anxiety and discomfort in social situations, making it difficult for those who experience it to form connections with others. Shyness also has a significant impact on an individual’s daily life and can affect their professional and personal relationships. This blog post will delve into … Continue reading Masterfully Describing Shyness – How it Impacts Life.

Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Let’s face it, we live in a society where sexual taboos still exist. And despite the increasing open-mindedness towards sexual fantasies, the anus is still perceived as a forbidden sexual body part. The anus has a long history of being shunned in erotic literature, and it’s time to understand why this is the case. In … Continue reading Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

Lenny Bruce, the infamous comedian from the 1950s and 1960s, is known for his groundbreaking comedy, which pushed the boundaries of censorship and challenged social norms. He was also a fierce defender of free speech, and he believed that the government had no place regulating or censoring what people could say or write. In fact, … Continue reading Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

Women in Sex Work: Empowerment or Exploitation?

Sex work has always been a controversial topic that’s often shrouded in stigma and misconceptions. Many people have different views on sex work, ranging from glorifying it as empowerment for women to condemning it as exploitation. While it is true that some women choose to do sex work as a means of survival, others do … Continue reading Women in Sex Work: Empowerment or Exploitation?

The Genre of Erotic Thriller: How to Mix Fear and Suspense into Erotic Writing

As a writer of erotic thrillers, you know that creating an experience that’s both arousing and thrilling is challenging. While many stories focus solely on titillation, others rely on suspense to create a memorable experience. But what happens when you combine both elements? The result is a unique and unforgettable experience that readers crave. In … Continue reading The Genre of Erotic Thriller: How to Mix Fear and Suspense into Erotic Writing

Is there a link between rape and a victim’s clothing?

When it comes to sexual assaults, there’s a common myth that suggests the victim’s clothing might be responsible for the attack. This harmful belief not only shifts the blame onto the victim but also perpetuates the idea that certain outfits invite unwanted male attention. As an erotic writer, it’s essential to understand why clothing is … Continue reading Is there a link between rape and a victim’s clothing?

Embracing Nudity as a Form of Protest Against Society’s Body Ideals

For years, society has placed unrealistic standards when it comes to the human body. The media has perpetuated the idea that there is only one type of perfection and that anything else falls short. This has led to a multitude of issues, including body shaming, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and even depression. One way to … Continue reading Embracing Nudity as a Form of Protest Against Society’s Body Ideals

Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

Hast du schon einmal einen bestimmten Duft gerochen und dich plötzlich in eine längst vergessene Erinnerung zurückversetzt gefühlt? Unser Geruchssinn ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, das starke Emotionen und lebhafte Erinnerungen hervorrufen kann. Wenn du als Autorin oder Autor die Macht der Düfte nutzt, kann das deiner Erzählung eine zusätzliche Dimension verleihen, vor allem wenn es … Continue reading Schreiben mit Düften: Die olfaktorische Verbindung in der Belletristik erforschen

The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The “Wild Woman” is a powerful archetype that has existed for centuries in mythology and folklore. She represents femininity’s untamed and primal aspect and embodies passion, intuition and creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the meaning of the “Wild Woman” and how she has been portrayed in different cultures throughout history. The archetype … Continue reading The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes