The Game of Scents: The Sensual and Erotic Pleasures of Playing with Fragrances

Have you ever imagined a game of fragrances where characters playfully delight each other’s senses with scents? If you’re a writer of erotic novels, this idea can be the perfect addition to spice up your scenes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the sensual and erotic pleasures of playing with fragrances. Our sense of smell … Continue reading The Game of Scents: The Sensual and Erotic Pleasures of Playing with Fragrances

Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

In a world where discussions about female sexuality are often shrouded in taboo and mystery, the web documentary series “Clit Revolution” is a refreshing and encouraging exploration. Directed by two women in search of understanding and justice, this thought-provoking series explores the origins of the taboo surrounding female sexuality. A Feminist Activism Handbook was published … Continue reading Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

Pitfalls and Common Mistakes in Dramaturgy: An Analysis of Common Errors Authors Make When Crafting Dramaturgy and How to Avoid Them

As an erotic writer, crafting the perfect storyline is crucial to capturing and maintaining your readers’ attention. One of the most critical aspects of your story is the dramaturgy—the structure of your plot, character development, and overall story arc. While you may have a fantastic idea for a story, it’s essential to pay close attention … Continue reading Pitfalls and Common Mistakes in Dramaturgy: An Analysis of Common Errors Authors Make When Crafting Dramaturgy and How to Avoid Them

Food and Foreplay: Incorporating Culinary Delights in Erotic Writing

Have you ever paused to consider the rampant appearance of food in erotic literature? The tantalizing smells, textures, and flavors of food can enhance the erotic mood, immersing you in a sensory experience like no other. Incorporating culinary delights in erotic writing can deepen your readers’ connection with the characters and create an erotic atmosphere … Continue reading Food and Foreplay: Incorporating Culinary Delights in Erotic Writing

Masterfully Describing Shyness – How it Impacts Life.

Shyness is a personality trait that affects many individuals. It causes anxiety and discomfort in social situations, making it difficult for those who experience it to form connections with others. Shyness also has a significant impact on an individual’s daily life and can affect their professional and personal relationships. This blog post will delve into … Continue reading Masterfully Describing Shyness – How it Impacts Life.

Catcalling – How Women Experience Daily Harassment and How to Respond Appropriately

Catcalling is a form of street harassment where strangers make unsolicited comments, gestures, or sounds towards women in public. It is a problem that many women face on a daily basis, and it can make them feel uncomfortable, objectified, and unsafe. In this blog post, we will explore how women experience catcalling, its impact on … Continue reading Catcalling – How Women Experience Daily Harassment and How to Respond Appropriately

Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Let’s face it, we live in a society where sexual taboos still exist. And despite the increasing open-mindedness towards sexual fantasies, the anus is still perceived as a forbidden sexual body part. The anus has a long history of being shunned in erotic literature, and it’s time to understand why this is the case. In … Continue reading Why is the Anus Still Taboo in Erotic Literature?

Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

Lenny Bruce, the infamous comedian from the 1950s and 1960s, is known for his groundbreaking comedy, which pushed the boundaries of censorship and challenged social norms. He was also a fierce defender of free speech, and he believed that the government had no place regulating or censoring what people could say or write. In fact, … Continue reading Lenny Bruce as Defender of Pornography

Thongs, Sideboobs, Underboobs – The Unveiling of the Female Form through Fashion

Fashion has always been used to showcase the female form, but in recent times, it has been taken to a whole new level. With trends like thongs, sideboobs, and underboobs gaining popularity, it’s no secret that women are exploring their sexuality and embracing their curves. As erotic writers, we have a unique perspective on how … Continue reading Thongs, Sideboobs, Underboobs – The Unveiling of the Female Form through Fashion

the creative writing magazine for erotic literature