Category Archives: New Adult

New Adult as a genre is still new and in development. The protagonists are mostly between 18 and 25 years old. Topics are the first steps into self-employment, the discovery of one’s own sexuality and the way into professional life. The genre has attracted attention above all through a number of female authors who have achieved bestseller status with novels published as e-books on the net – such as E. L. James, whose “50 Shades of Grey” is considered the initial spark of the New Adult.

Emotionen – das Gerüst jeder Story

Sky aus Colleen Hoovers Roman Hope Forever ist traumatisiert. Sie lässt Jungs an sich rummachen, fühlt aber rein gar nichts dabei. Sie lebt ihr Leben wie eine normale 17jährige, aber als sie sich in Holder verliebt und schließlich mit ihm schlafen will, bricht sie weinend zusammen, übermannt von ihren eigenen Emotionen. Sie weiß schon im … Continue reading Emotionen – das Gerüst jeder Story

New Adult – the most important books in 2015

In 2015, the “New Adult” genre was just beginning to establish itself. “50 Shades of Grey” had become a mega-success and had made a need clear. And the first authors jumped on this bandwagon and made books for young adults in which sexuality has its well-deserved place – just as it is in reality. The … Continue reading New Adult – the most important books in 2015