Category Archives: Body

Especially beginners like to use qualifiers in the erotic description of bodies. The protagonist has “a great body”, “beautiful breasts” etc. But these qualifiers have no information value and are not able to create vivid pictures while reading. In this category, we want to consider how things can be done differently.

NAKED IN PUBLIC 3: Free the Nipple Campaign

Similar to the FEMEN activists, the members of the “Free the Nipple” campaign often use their naked torsos as banners. Yet their goals are not nearly as diverse. Nor have they chosen the entire patriarchy as their adversary, but are working on one question: “Why are men allowed to show their naked torsos in public … Continue reading NAKED IN PUBLIC 3: Free the Nipple Campaign

Naked in Public 2: Nakedness as a form of protest (FEMEN)

On March 11, 2013, Tunisian Amina Sbouï published a bare-chested self-portrait on her Facebook page. “My body belongs to me and is not the source of anyone’s honor,” she had written on her naked torso. In doing so, she sparked a furious controversy in Islamic-led Tunisia. She received death threats. A Salafist preacher publicly called … Continue reading Naked in Public 2: Nakedness as a form of protest (FEMEN)