All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

Is there a link between rape and a victim’s clothing?

When it comes to sexual assaults, there’s a common myth that suggests the victim’s clothing might be responsible for the attack. This harmful belief not only shifts the blame onto the victim but also perpetuates the idea that certain outfits invite unwanted male attention. As an erotic writer, it’s essential to understand why clothing is … Continue reading Is there a link between rape and a victim’s clothing?

The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The “Wild Woman” is a powerful archetype that has existed for centuries in mythology and folklore. She represents femininity’s untamed and primal aspect and embodies passion, intuition and creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the meaning of the “Wild Woman” and how she has been portrayed in different cultures throughout history. The archetype … Continue reading The Wild Woman Archetype. From Lilith to Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Cultural Differences in the Portrayal of Eroticism: A Feminist Perspective

Erotic literature has been around for ages. From the ancient Kama Sutra to the modern-day 50 “Shades of Grey”, eroticism has always been an integral part of human sexuality. However, the representation of eroticism varies from culture to culture. In some parts of the world, eroticism is seen as a taboo subject, while in others, … Continue reading Cultural Differences in the Portrayal of Eroticism: A Feminist Perspective

Pornography and Feminism: Between Liberation and Oppression

Pornography has been a topic of debate among feminists for decades. While some see it as a form of liberation, others view it as a tool of oppression. As an author of erotic novels, it is important to understand this complex relationship between pornography and feminism. In this blog post, we will look at the … Continue reading Pornography and Feminism: Between Liberation and Oppression

The Power of Encouragement: How it Shapes Characters and Lives

As a writer, I know all too well about the importance of character development. Adding depth and dimension to your characters is both an art and a science. But have you ever considered the impact of encouragement on the characters you create? The truth is that encouragement has a far-reaching effect, not just on fictional … Continue reading The Power of Encouragement: How it Shapes Characters and Lives

The Power Dynamics of David and Bathsheba: A Feminist Analysis

The biblical story of David and Bathsheba is one that is often referenced in religious texts but is often overlooked from a feminist perspective. The focus is usually on David’s sin of adultery and Bathsheba’s role as a passive victim, but there is much more to this story. This blog post will examine the plot … Continue reading The Power Dynamics of David and Bathsheba: A Feminist Analysis

The Beautiful Connection Between Good Nutrition and a Radiant Appearance

Your outward appearance is a reflection of your inner health. Often, the quality of our diets impacts our physical appearance in different ways, from our complexion, hair, and weight to how we present ourselves. We all know that a healthy diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious food is essential to our general well-being, … Continue reading The Beautiful Connection Between Good Nutrition and a Radiant Appearance

The Enduring Sex Appeal of Jane Birkin: Lessons for Erotic Writers

On July 16, 2023, the British-French film- and music legend Jane Birkin died. In the tumultuous 1960s, she emerged as an extraordinary symbol of daring sensuality and artistic expression. From her daring film roles to her passionate liaison with Serge Gainsbourg and their iconic musical collaboration, Birkin captivated audiences with her fearless embrace of liberation … Continue reading The Enduring Sex Appeal of Jane Birkin: Lessons for Erotic Writers

Erotic literature from a feminist perspective: a journey through books that celebrate female desire.

For many years, erotic literature was associated with objectifying women’s bodies and perpetuating harmful stereotypes about gender roles. However, a growing movement of feminist writers and readers is challenging this assumption and using the power of fiction to celebrate female desire, lust, and agency. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through … Continue reading Erotic literature from a feminist perspective: a journey through books that celebrate female desire.

The Evolution of Emmanuelle Arsan’s Emmanuelle Series: A Master Class for Erotic Novelists

As an erotic romance author, a look at the genre’s most successful and enduring novels is essential if you want to learn how to write something timeless. That’s why we’re taking an in-depth look at the origins and evolution of the Emmanuelle series, written by Emmanuelle Arsan. This revolutionary series shook the literary world when … Continue reading The Evolution of Emmanuelle Arsan’s Emmanuelle Series: A Master Class for Erotic Novelists