All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

Hazing of Potential New Members in Greek Life

Hazing or humiliating rituals, unfortunately, plays a role in many Greek fraternities/sororities and is a controversial and often problematic topic. Here is a detailed look at the role hazing plays in Greek fraternities/sororities: Definition and Forms of Hazing What is hazing? Hazing refers to activities imposed on new members (“pledges”) to initiate them. These activities … Continue reading Hazing of Potential New Members in Greek Life

The Realism of ENF Scenarios: The Link Between Stress, Shame, and Sexual Function

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the intersection of mental health, sexual function, and societal pressures on women’s bodies. One controversial topic that has emerged in this discussion is the concept of ENF (enforced naked female). This blog post aims to shed light on the connection between stress, shame, and physical … Continue reading The Realism of ENF Scenarios: The Link Between Stress, Shame, and Sexual Function

The sensual side of spring break

Spring break is a time when taboos fall away and lust is set free. The voyeurism of onlookers and the exhibitionism of women create an explosive combination that pushes the boundaries of sexual experience and awakens the deepest desires. For authors of erotic literature, this annual ritual offers a wealth of inspiration and themes to … Continue reading The sensual side of spring break

The Unbroken Appeal of Toga Parties

Toga parties have long been synonymous with a sense of freedom, uninhibited revelry, and a touch of sensuality. These gatherings, where attendees don flowing white robes reminiscent of ancient Greece and Rome, have a rich history that dates back centuries. From their origins in the ancient world to their modern-day presence in pop culture, toga … Continue reading The Unbroken Appeal of Toga Parties

Hazing in unrecognized sororities

In the world of Greek life, sororities are often portrayed as sisterhoods built on support, friendship and self-determination. But behind the veil of sisterhood hides a darker reality for some: hazing. While recognized sororities adhere to strict guidelines and regulations, there is a subset of organizations that operate outside of the recognized Greek system and … Continue reading Hazing in unrecognized sororities

The reflection of the soul: Your body as an expression of your personality

Our bodies incarnate who we are. Every movement we make conveys our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When we are stressed or anxious, our body may express this tension through tense muscles and shallow breathing. When we are happy and carefree, our bodies radiate warmth and lightness. Our bodies tell us who we are and what … Continue reading The reflection of the soul: Your body as an expression of your personality

Exploring the human body: Endoscopy as an art form

The human body has always been a fascinating subject for scientific research and artistic expression. From early experiments in human anatomy to today’s advances in medical imaging, we have explored every nook and cranny of our bodies. One of these innovations in modern medicine is endoscopy, which captures images and video from inside the body. … Continue reading Exploring the human body: Endoscopy as an art form

Reveal the sensitivity of your nipples

Nipples are one of the most sensitive parts of the female body. They can be a source of pleasure when touched and played with during foreplay or sexual activity. However, not all women’s nipples are equally sensitive. Some women barely feel anything, while others are highly sensitive to even the slightest touch. In this guide, … Continue reading Reveal the sensitivity of your nipples