All posts by Marc Manther

Geboren 1976 in Bredstedt, Nordfriesland. Studium der Informatik an der CAU in Kiel. Arbeitet heute in der Softwareentwicklung. Lebt mit seiner Frau Sandra und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

Unleashing the Power of the Femme Fatale in Your Erotic Fiction

The concept of femme fatale has been a staple in literature and has been used to portray a seductive and dangerous woman who manipulates men to do her bidding. However, there is more to the term than just being a seductive character. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the history and meaning … Continue reading Unleashing the Power of the Femme Fatale in Your Erotic Fiction

The Art of Mastering Boredom: Describing it in a Sensual and Evocative Way

For erotic novel writers, mastering the art of describing emotions and physical sensations is essential. When it comes to boredom, it may seem challenging to portray it in a way that is compelling and evocative. However, there is a certain art to capture the essence of boredom without being boring. In this post, we’ll look … Continue reading The Art of Mastering Boredom: Describing it in a Sensual and Evocative Way

Breaking Taboos: The Challenge of Writing about Unconventional Erotic Scenarios

Writing about unconventional erotic scenarios can be quite a daunting task, even for the most seasoned of writers. As writers, we are constantly searching for ways to push the boundaries and create content that is both engaging and thought-provoking. However, when it comes to writing about taboo subjects such as domination, submission, fetishes, and other … Continue reading Breaking Taboos: The Challenge of Writing about Unconventional Erotic Scenarios

The Intimate Sounds: The Art of Breathing, Moaning, and Other Pleasurable Noises

When it comes to writing erotica, it’s not just about describing the physical acts but also about the sounds that accompany them. The sound of a moan, the sigh of pleasure, or the gasping breath can all add to the eroticism of a scene. As writers, it’s important to be aware of the different sounds … Continue reading The Intimate Sounds: The Art of Breathing, Moaning, and Other Pleasurable Noises

The Art of Seductive Writing: Tips for Sensual and Compelling Dialogues

As an erotic novel writer, your objective is to write stories that not only arouse your readers but also engage them emotionally. You want to appeal to their senses and keep them turning the pages until the very end. It takes more than just graphic descriptions of physical intimacy to keep your readers hooked. Sensual … Continue reading The Art of Seductive Writing: Tips for Sensual and Compelling Dialogues

The Art of Sensual Descriptions: Bringing Erotic Scenes to Life

As an erotic novelist, one of the most crucial elements of your writing is the ability to captivate your readers with your sensual descriptions. Painting vivid images with your words can transport your readers to another world, leaving them breathless and wanting more. While it may seem like an easy task, creating a compelling and … Continue reading The Art of Sensual Descriptions: Bringing Erotic Scenes to Life

The Power Play Of Touch In Creative Writing

The art of describing a touch can convey more than just physical sensations; it can reveal power dynamics, emotional connections, and even plot twists. But with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to writing about intimate moments. While Fifty Shades of Grey may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s a great … Continue reading The Power Play Of Touch In Creative Writing