Picture quotations or memes are short statements, paired with matching pictures. They can be easily shared and distributed. Because their origin is usually no longer traceable after just a few copying processes in the social media, many of them bear a kind of watermark or source reference.
On this page you will find a series of memes on the subject of “Body Confidence“, i.e. on trusting one’s own body and on a positive self-feeling. Most of the quotes are from people in show business. You are welcome to copy or link those pictures. With the logo of Gamma Xi Delta sorority their origin is clear.
“Body Confidence” is the central theme of my Gamma-Xi-Delta series, albeit dramaturgically prepared for the genre “New Adult”: It is about the relationship to one’s own body, about shame, about sexual self-determination and about moral boundaries. So here are the ten new memes on this topic.