All posts by Sandra Manther

Geboren 1981 in Krefeld. Studierte Mediendesign an der hdpk Berlin. Der Liebe wegen ging sie nach Hamburg, wo sie heute als Webdesgnerin in einer bekannten Werbeagentur arbeitet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann Marc und den Katzen Mandu und Tharsis in einem Haus im Westen der Stadt.

The Importance of Sexual Education from a Feminist Perspective: A Plea for Comprehensive Enlightenment

As an author of erotic novels, I have realized how important realistic descriptions of sexual contact are from a feminist perspective. A confident approach to one’s sexuality is an important aspect of human self-determination that enhances bodily autonomy, individuality, and self-esteem. However, conservative schools in America are notorious for providing inadequate sex education and keeping … Continue reading The Importance of Sexual Education from a Feminist Perspective: A Plea for Comprehensive Enlightenment

Sorority Legacies: Everything You Need to Know

As a college freshman, joining a sorority can be an exciting prospect, with visions of sisterhood, bonding, and lifelong friendships dancing in your head. But there’s one aspect of sorority recruitment that may cause confusion and stress: legacies. What does it mean to be a legacy, and what are the implications for sorority recruitment? In … Continue reading Sorority Legacies: Everything You Need to Know

Gamma Xi Delta’s Empowerment Project for Sorority Sisters

Almost all sororities have an account on Tumblr or Instagram where photos of members are shown and shared. Gamma Xi Delta is no exception. The twist at the Hamburg sorority, however, is different. Instead of the usual bikini photos, each member does at least one topless shoot, with the published images never showing more than … Continue reading Gamma Xi Delta’s Empowerment Project for Sorority Sisters

The Uncomfortable Truth About Cosmetic Surgery on the Female Vulva

As women, we are constantly bombarded with societal expectations of perfection, and our bodies are never exempt from this scrutiny. From tummy tucks to breast augmentations, women have been altering their appearance to fit a certain standard set by society. However, in the last few years, there has been an alarming increase in the number … Continue reading The Uncomfortable Truth About Cosmetic Surgery on the Female Vulva

The Role of Toys and Technology in Expanding Sexual Experience: A Feminist Analysis

Sexual liberation and exploration have always been topics that were kept behind the closed doors of people’s private lives. However, in recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of erotic literature that has enabled people to indulge in their erotic fantasies. With every passing day, technology has managed to evolve and has … Continue reading The Role of Toys and Technology in Expanding Sexual Experience: A Feminist Analysis

Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

In a world where discussions about female sexuality are often shrouded in taboo and mystery, the web documentary series “Clit Revolution” is a refreshing and encouraging exploration. Directed by two women in search of understanding and justice, this thought-provoking series explores the origins of the taboo surrounding female sexuality. A Feminist Activism Handbook was published … Continue reading Exploring female sexuality: Unveiling the Clit Revolution.

Catcalling – How Women Experience Daily Harassment and How to Respond Appropriately

Catcalling is a form of street harassment where strangers make unsolicited comments, gestures, or sounds towards women in public. It is a problem that many women face on a daily basis, and it can make them feel uncomfortable, objectified, and unsafe. In this blog post, we will explore how women experience catcalling, its impact on … Continue reading Catcalling – How Women Experience Daily Harassment and How to Respond Appropriately

Women in Sex Work: Empowerment or Exploitation?

Sex work has always been a controversial topic that’s often shrouded in stigma and misconceptions. Many people have different views on sex work, ranging from glorifying it as empowerment for women to condemning it as exploitation. While it is true that some women choose to do sex work as a means of survival, others do … Continue reading Women in Sex Work: Empowerment or Exploitation?